PICKLEBALL STUDY HALL is a two-hour session where we study smart pickleball playing strategies. It’s a mix of classroom education with on-court demonstration. Perfect for players gearing up for tournament play and for those wanting to become a better recreational player.

Instructors Sandy Halkett ( bio) and John Moore ( bio) will begin the session with classroom education. They will share intermediate skill level strategies in a playful, engaging way that makes learning fun. The classroom curriculum will include:

  •  Anatomy of a Pickleball Point
  •  How to Dominate at the Winner’s Line
  •  How to Escape off the Loser’s Line
  •  When to Drop or Drive the 3rd Shot
  •  Where to Hit 3rd Shot Drops
  •  Effective Dinking Strategies
  •  Stirring the P.O.T. at the Kitchen
  •  And more…

After learning in a classroom setting, players will move to the indoor courts and experience the education with on-court demonstration. The concepts discussed in the classroom will come to life on the courts to enhance your understanding. There will be plenty of time for Q&A so we can geek out talking about winning pickleball strategies.

Pickleball Study Hall will conclude back in the classroom with a Pop Quiz and you’ll learn the “10 Demandments of a Solid Pballer.” All attendees will receive a Pickleball Study Hall summary handout.

Upcoming Pickleball Study Hall Sessions 

Sun. July 21 – 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Sun. Aug 25 – 1:30 to 3:30 pm

Location: Victor Gym (108 South Line Street, Greer) — MAP

Cost: $30 per player (includes a summary handout)

In your email, please include the session day/time you want to attend. John Moore will send a confirmation email with details, including how to pay.